

A hair transplant can be a life-changing experience for many people. However, the outcomes of these clinics can be unsatisfactory for some people, resulting in deformity and visible scarring.

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hair transplant in delhi

Hair Transplant

Hair transplant include various types namely extreme hair fall, frizzy and dry hair, excess split ends, hair thinning, baldness, and so on. Monaris Hair Clinic is the most renowned clinic

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Inspired by the ancient Greeks, Monaris Hair Clinic brings the latest innovation of Growth Factor Concentrate (GFC) for hair loss treatment. This treatment is non-surgical that utilizes a person’s own growth factors that are found in their body, to rejuvenate their hair.

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Beard & Moustache Transplant

A thick beard or moustache is a symbol of manhood and strength for some men. It’s also a fashion statement for a lot of young men. To bring out the best look men can choose the option of Beard & Moustache Transplant.

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male pattern baldness

Male Pattern Baldness

Male pattern baldness is a frequent type of hair loss that affects almost all males at some point in their lives. Androgenetic alopecia is a term used to describe the disorder. Baldness normally takes 15 to 25 years to develop, but it can happen sooner.

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alopecia areata

Alopecia Areata

Alopecia areata is a common cause of sudden onset episodic non-scarring hair loss. Patients can experience a single small coin-sized patch or multiple patches. It most commonly occurs over the scalp but can involve other areas such as beard, eyebrows, eyelashes, and body hair.

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