What is Chemical Peeling?
Chemical peeling is a procedure in which a chemical is applied to the skin which leads to removal of top layers of skin. It leads to smoother, younger and even looking skin.
What are the various conditions in which chemical peel can be used?
- Acne
- Acne scars and marks
- Melasma
- Aging with wrinkling and sun damage
- Pigmentation of skin
What are the various types of chemical peel?
There are party peels, light peels, medium depth peels and deep peels. Chemical peeling solution can have salicylic acid, trichloroacetic acid, glycolic acid, lactic acid, phenol, azelaic acid, retinoic acid, ferulic acid, pyruvic acid, resorcinol and so on.
What is the procedure of chemical peel?
- Your skin is thoroughly cleansed to remove excess oil and dirt
- Chemical solution is applied to the target skin
- You might feel warm or stinging sensation for few minutes.
- Depending upon the chemical peel, peels are washed off or neutralized after specific period of time. And skin is cooled off.
What are dos and don’ts after a chemical peel?
- Do icing over the red areas
- Avoid sun exposure and tanning for 2 weeks after chemical peel
- Apply moisturizer regularly
- Wash the face with gentle cleanser
- Do not scratch your skin
- Apply creams advised by your dermatologist.
What to expect after chemical peel?
Your skin may become red. You might feel like excessive sun burn like reaction.
Your skin might become red, dark and there might be some swelling and stinging. Your skin might feel scaly or dry.
How frequently is chemical peeling done?
Duration between sessions vary depending upon the type of chemical agent used. It can be done after 2-4 weeks for light to medium peels.
When to expect the results of chemical peel?
It depends upon the type of chemical peel. Results can come after 3rd to 5th session.
What are the possible risks and complications of chemical peeling?
In the hands of an experienced dermatologist complications are minimal. Swelling, redness and itching are common. Rarely skin may become darker and can cause scarring if peel penetrates deeper and if proper precautions are not taken. There is also risk of reactivation of herpes infection.